Ash, Where Have you Been?


It’s a Christmas Miracle! Im Back!

I mentioned in my previous post that school has been so busy and oh my gosh did it ramp up.

Ive just finished my first semester working in my major happy dances and it was so hard but it was so great and I’m so excited for this coming semester!

There have been so many sleepless nights and let me tell you, sleep deprivation is a real thing and it sucks. Honestly the semester took me by surprise. I know, that sounds crazy, I’m in college how did I not expect to be strung out and tired. It’s not really like thats what I Was thinking, I just think I started off with a lot on my plate and didn’t realize how difficult it would be to keep it all together as the work became more intense. Trust me it’s been crazy enough jumping into my first semester in Fashion Design, learning how rigorous the classes all are and getting a feel for the major as a whole, but then also having a minor, so doing an extra studio. Yup, that meant lots of ten hour class days. that on top of homework and work… I think you get the picture. But I had fun with every second of it. Im so thankful that I have the opportunity to learn and work in something that has interested me my whole life. All that being said I am happy the semester is over so I can rest up.

I have had a couple days to sleep all that off and am SO ready to start posting again!

I’ve got a whole lot to fill you guys in on. Ive gotten the chance to learn so many new things, get back to reading more and Ive even gotten the chance to spend the day in New York for the first time and got to visit Mood Fabrics!

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Thanks for reading,


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