Ash, Where Have you Been?


It’s a Christmas Miracle! Im Back!

I mentioned in my previous post that school has been so busy and oh my gosh did it ramp up.

Ive just finished my first semester working in my major happy dances and it was so hard but it was so great and I’m so excited for this coming semester!

There have been so many sleepless nights and let me tell you, sleep deprivation is a real thing and it sucks. Honestly the semester took me by surprise. I know, that sounds crazy, I’m in college how did I not expect to be strung out and tired. It’s not really like thats what I Was thinking, I just think I started off with a lot on my plate and didn’t realize how difficult it would be to keep it all together as the work became more intense. Trust me it’s been crazy enough jumping into my first semester in Fashion Design, learning how rigorous the classes all are and getting a feel for the major as a whole, but then also having a minor, so doing an extra studio. Yup, that meant lots of ten hour class days. that on top of homework and work… I think you get the picture. But I had fun with every second of it. Im so thankful that I have the opportunity to learn and work in something that has interested me my whole life. All that being said I am happy the semester is over so I can rest up.

I have had a couple days to sleep all that off and am SO ready to start posting again!

I’ve got a whole lot to fill you guys in on. Ive gotten the chance to learn so many new things, get back to reading more and Ive even gotten the chance to spend the day in New York for the first time and got to visit Mood Fabrics!

Hit Follow to be notified about all my upcoming posts! you won’t wanna miss them.

Thanks for reading,


How to get your curls back in check! 


Easy curl masks to restore dry hair after long protective styling!

We all know protective styling is a must to keep hair of kinkiest textures growing and healthy. They’re a great way to prevent breakage and retain length. It is very important to maintain your hairs health both during and after the style is removed. 

All though we all know we should be taking are of our hair health while it’s in the style we don’t always follow our regimen quite as strictly because of course these styles are also meant to be convenient. 

I’ve had my crochet faux locs in for a little over a month now and I think they’ve run their course. I figured that my hair probably needed alittle pick me up after this style so I’m here to show you guys alittle hair treatment that I think will really help! 

So the things you will need are:

    • coconut milk

    • honey

This is literally so easy all you do is take out the milk from the can and mix it till it’s even, then just add some honey to the milk, about 2 table spoons of so. Then mix and apply thoroughly to the hair. 

Let that sit in the hair for about 30 min under a cap or even longer if you feel your hair is more damaged. 

Then all you’ve gotta do is rinse, you should have moisturized, shined curls that smell great too!


July Favorites+ Life Update


So July is over and the Sunday of summer has begun…

and I’m only half excited about it. July has been a crazy month, so much has happened to me I thought it’d only be fair that I gave you guys a little life update.The first thing is that it was my birthday! Yup, I’m and adult…kinda. Also I was a little bit busy this month basically trying to get myself put there as an artist and designer. One pretty big thing that shows that this month has been one the best of my life in a while is that I attended a Fashion show(Read about in here). There I met a lot of great people and long story short by this time next year, Ill be in a fashion show with my first line! I know, that’s a lot of work for an 18 year old going into college but like everything else, I’ll find a way to make it work. But now that this crazy month is all over, the next big this is obviously moving out of my house and into my dorm. That’s so crazy to think about and I’m pretty excited.

Okay, all done rambling about my life, lets get onto the favorites.

First we’ve got this Formula 10.0.6 Get Your Glow On Skin brightening peel off mask. I absolutely love this mask. It’s got papaya and citrus so ti smells so good. I also like this because I feel that I have fairly sensitive skin and it feel pretty gentle. Also, it doesn’t take forever to try and doesn’t harden to stone on your face like others that Ive tried, making removal comfortable, even when you get a little bit of it in your eyebrows( it can happen to the best of us). I got this at the start of the month and have been using it about twice a week and I have to say I see a difference in how clear my face looks and I am seeing less pimples while using this mask so I am totally interested in trying other products from this brand. You guys can get this at Ulta for around $6.99.IMG_1416Next I have the OGX Coconut Curls Curling Hair Butter. So Ive been using this and pretty much only this after every wash day and I can’t get enough of this brand. It makes my hair feel so soft and really helps me get soft bouncy curls when I do my twist outs. You can pick this up and any drug store  or Ulta for around$7.99.IMG_1417The next thing I got that I liked this month was this Soap and Glory Tinted Lotion It’s called the Righteous Butter Instant Sun-kissed Tint body Lotion. Before you say anything and start talking shit about me because I’m black and I’m wearing a tinted lotion just listen  to me okay? So I got this just to put on my legs which is why I chose to include this on my monthly favorites list. I just wanted a little extra glow to my skin because this is very bronze and my legs haven seen as ,much sun as they did last summer so they looked a little bit lighter than I would like , and didn’t math the rest of me so much. So I got this at Walgreen for around $12.00 and its a pretty good size bottle and it is very pigmented so you don’t need to use a lot, which to me justified the price. Also one thing I think anyone considering using this to note is that it does wash off, so if you are more on the paler side just know if you wear this to the beach you WILL need to reapply.

The last couple of products I chose to out together(because their obviously the same scent). These two are just Bath and Body Works Wakiki Coconut Lotion and body Spray. Not too much to say about this I just really love the smell of coconuts sooooooooo…yeah.IMG_1421.JPGOkay so that concludes my shorter list of favorites for the month.

Aloe+ Honey= Super Soft Shiny hair


Hey everyone, Ive been inspired lately because my aloe plant ( his name is Ally) has been growing a lot. Everyone knows that aloe is great for treating sunburns and a pretty good plant to own in your home if you’ve got sensitive skin, but did you know its also great for your hair and face? Ill only be talking about how to make the hair mask in this post but if you want me to make a diy aloe acne mask comment below!

So the first thing you want to do is get an aloe leaf. If you’ve got a plant at home that’s great, just head over and break a part off! The best part about these plants is that the more you use it the more  it grows!

Next you’re gonna use a table spoon of honey.

Mix those together and now you’re done. Yeah its really that simple.

Next you just want to party your hair in four sections, I normally do 4 and work your mixture from root to tip. Leave that in for about 20 minutes under a cap and rinse with cold water , and you should have clean, shiny and super soft hair!